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Sanitary dollars for water meters of water, "water cube" energy-saving
Date:7/27/2024  Click:3268 Double-click auto scroll, click stop
   Olympic swimming venue, "water cube" Olympic venues in the big water, the water-saving work has been concerned from all walks of life. Yesterday, the "2006 Beijing Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Exhibition", the National Swimming Center branch projects submitted by Zhaozhi Xiong, deputy general manager of the organizing committee for the report, said the "water cube" of water-saving program.

   * Change automatic swimming pool 

   To ensure that the "water cube" of the FINA meet the water quality up-to-date health standards, the water from the pools will use sand filters - ozone - activated carbon water purification technology, all produced by ozone disinfection. It is reported that ozone is not only effective in disinfecting water to remove odor, but also the elimination of the human body's water boost. 

   In addition, changing the water pool will be full use of automatic control technology, water purification system to improve efficiency and reduce pharmaceutical water purification and electricity consumption, save water, fill swimming pools more than 50%. In addition, the swimming pool and recreational water seepage concrete will be used to prevent leakage.

   Bath and the water used for irrigation

   In addition to the swimming pool water, "water cube" of other water-saving is also very. Waste water bath and so on, will be bio-contact oxidation, filtration, disinfection and use of activated carbon adsorption, the stadium used for toilet flushing, washing the garage on the ground and the green outdoor irrigation. This alone can save water every year 44,530 tons of water. In addition, in order to reduce the evaporation of water, "water cube" of outdoor green space will be used for irrigation at night, Israel's use of micro-irrigation nozzle, was able to save water by 5%.

   Sanitary dollars for water meters of water

   As far as possible in order to reduce the use of waste water, "water cube" on the toilet, shower head, basin, and other equipment using the Inductive flushing valve, a reasonable control of the water, sanitary ware, and the concentration of water points set up Water meters, water metering. It is expected that these measures could be saving about 10%.

   In addition to the bath water, "Water Cube" will also play in the hall to set up drinking water, for athletes and spectators to provide drinking water. In order to avoid secondary pollution of drinking water and avoid waste, "water cube" of drinking water will be the end of the straight-processing equipment.

   It is reported that, in order to conserve energy in the Beijing Olympic venues in the  building of 126 selected three types of projects and efficient use of energy-saving light source, "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube" is the energy-saving technology, the highest scientific and technological content of the two projects.
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