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IC card meter in Shanghai to promote water-saving effect of significantly
Date:7/27/2024  Click:3311 Double-click auto scroll, click stop
    Shanghai on June 28 (Reporter on behalf of Zhang Lei) 28 reporters from the Shanghai Quality and Technical Supervision held at promoting water-saving was informed that since 2005 the Shanghai Changning District in the pilot markets since the introduction of IC card water meter, water-saving A significant effect, the average annual water conservation by 50%. At present, the "water card" means the water is within the scope of the city to further promote the standardization of markets, in Shanghai more than 400 markets standardization of water per year is expected to more than 200 million tons.
     Changning District, according to the person in charge of Quality and Technical Supervision, Changning District has 38 markets in the past widespread public water to eat "big", that is, vendors do not have their own booths on the water, both to the public water tap, and do not pay attention to Savings. To this end, the market managed to reduce the public sector to take over, and other ways to tap water, but the results are unsatisfactory. In 2005, Changning District in the city's markets take the lead in the use of IC card water meter, a stall manpower IC cards, credit cards, through the metering of water management tools, water and economic interests linked to the stall.

     According to statistics, Changning District has more than 20 markets to install a 180 meter IC card. IC card after the installation of water meters, Changning markets slip 50% of the monthly water conservation, water saving 3,000; sword-way markets from the previous monthly water consumption of 500 tons down to 400 tons.

     IC card meter so that vendors have been tangible benefits. Changning days in the United States and the slip of the markets selling vegetables Aunt Wang told reporters before the market "monthly" water, each of the vendors to pay 30 yuan monthly water; water card, she does not water a month more than 10 yuan . Some vendors said that in 2005 they bought 100 yuan IC cards, have not used up to now.

     Changning District of Quality and Technical Supervision said, in addition to saving water resources, reduce operating costs, IC card water meter was also resolved as a result of excessive water caused by moist sites and other issues, effectively improving the sanitary conditions of the markets, the effect can be described as "three-stone Eagle. "

     Shanghai Quality and Technical Supervision said that the markets may not be too much water, but add up, but also promote the effective water-saving work. It is reported that the new water-saving measures in the city will be new to promote the standardization of the market, in Shanghai more than 400 markets all the standardization of IC card to install water meters, saving water each year more than 200 million tons of water to reduce the expenditure of millions of dollars.
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