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Intelligent E-meter lead into question
Date:7/27/2024  Click:3727 Double-click auto scroll, click stop
   Recently, the city of Harbin on a large number of IC card into a smart meter table scrap of news once again draw attention to the smart electronic meter.

   There are media reports from the city of Harbin in 1998 to start the IC card water meter pilot project, as of the end of 2006, a total of more than 130,000 pieces of the installation. However, according to Harbin's water supply for the drainage of the Group preliminary statistics, the city of Harbin, the IC card installed water meters in more than 30,000 has become a form of waste.

   IC card water meter is a smart meter, which can automatically deposit card water supply, automatic measurement, both removed from the house staff of meter-reading problems, but also the elimination of the original floor of a user's "big" flat water The conflict cost. Such a water supply department and the residents will benefit, but also to facilitate the advanced water-saving products, why was it out? 

   Deviated from the design of measurement functions

   There are reports from residents that, the installation of an electronic smart meter, some Kalimingming money, but all of a sudden water; some IC card battery meter clearance, however, the use of two or three years after the damage caused by water meters to stop; some IC card water meter Quality standards, the use of magnetic cards inserted after three or four times can no longer use.

   Measurement instruments for many years engaged in research and development Shenzhenshixing dingxin Source Technology Co., Ltd. Technical Director, Senior Engineer Li Hongwei, technically, smart electronic automatic meter reading systems are used to form a total pulse issued by the pulse, this way Far to achieve the reliability depends on the pulse form letter by sending letters to the pulse signal transmission system as well as the reliability of measurement. "Reality proves that the reliability of these links can not be guaranteed." Technology has decided to table the event of their own body mechanical vibration, electromagnetic interference with the outside world, the power supply problem, table upside down, the magnet demagnetization signal, and so on, form the accuracy of the letter will be affected; if the pulse signal transmission line failure, or The poor quality of connection will also inevitably cause the system error count; In addition, accessories such as batteries, valves will be a direct impact on the quality of the quality of water meters, and the current situation of the quality of these parts is not satisfactory.

   As a result of these deficiencies of the system design and quality of the hardware, however, such as direct measurement of water meters on the basis of the charges will inevitably lead to endless trouble. 
   Management measures out of control
   In addition to the lack of technical, managerial chaos also affected the development of electronic smart meter bottlenecks. Harbin, Yinchuan and in the case, close factories there after the end leave money to install, no damage to the water meter issues. Li Hongwei, due to the table, lines, equipment ownership and management of independent and decentralized, water, electricity, gas management, property companies, developers, manufacturers of their responsibility, Lee is not clear, resulting in over the shelf-life After maintenance funds can not implement, with the result that the system unable to obtain timely maintenance and repairs, lost the protection of users.

   On the other hand, water, electricity, gas is a form of national compulsory certification of measuring instruments, however, due to the lack of technical standards, the institute for meter reading system for the first time the test is still confined to the current test pulse measurement of mechanical properties of the table level, and Systems do not test as a whole. But the actual meter reading system, the measurement functions required by the table, lines, cross-matching systems can be achieved.

   Li Hongwei, to solve the electronic smart meter system of measurement accuracy and reliability of the problem, the premise is a breakthrough technology. In her view, in recent years developed a direct-reading table and meter reading system, in terms of feasibility and applicability has advantages, such a system might be smart electronic meter system for the popularization and application of the provision of a good solution.

    On the management side, the city of Harbin Academy of Social Sciences Professor DONG Hong Yang suggested that the Government should play a leading role in formulating appropriate policies on the one hand, should be vigorously support the specific departments Zequan Li; on the other hand, the implementation of market access mechanism to strictly implement trick Tender and require the successful manufacturers of pre-paid part of the margin, strengthen supervision and management in the factory warranty if the emergence of the phenomenon of abandoned tubes can be used to deposit part of the maintenance problems of water meters to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.
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